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What We Do

Education | Raising Awareness


Meth Awareness -  MMIR Awareness


Monthly Hand game tournaments, practice every weekend.


Media Relations and Engagement


Tools and Resources


Talking Circles


Drum Practice 



Organize Search Parties

"Missing" Flyer Template


Social Media Posts


First 72 Hours


Support Services

Support Youth Council


Mental Health Connections


Assist with court costs, transportation


Healing Trauma Education and support groups


Housing re-location - Winter Gear - Propane


Food Vouchers - Bus tickets - Pre-paid cell phone cards



What would you like to say?


Fund Raisers

We host Kohomani (Round Dances) to raise money to support the programs and activities of Waciyanpi.


Raffles on Social Media all proceeds go towards the organization


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Social Media 

We use social media to post missing person announcemetns, coordinate search and rescue and announce upcoming fundraisers.

Waciyanpi MMIR in South Dakota
Waciyanpi MMIR in South Dakota
Waciyanpi MMIR in South Dakota
Waciyanpi MMIR in South Dakota
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Waciyanpi MMIR in South Dakota
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